Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Whats really going on??????help!?

i opened my email and there arent any folders, emails,or txt. unless i click on , mind u im guessing where an email might be, then ill see the txt and of course it opens up because i clicked on it, only to see who its from appariently all my personal info, in any account of mine has had the text color changed to white and i cant see it cuz the background page is white, so how did this happen and how can i undo it, i have suspicision of a second computered being allowed to use my wireless router and info so it can connect to the internet via my info. ive tried to change my firewall settings and it says due to an unidentifiable error u cannot change these settings. im the owner of all, and this just upsets me to no good please if u can help me, i tried to ask the one person who might of given out any of my information to another but denile is all i get.Whats really going on??????help!?From your description... you could either have a really simple configuration issue going on (such as you fat-fingered your text color) to a more serious issue that may or may not be malware related.

I would strongly suggest you stop clicking, turn off the computer, and take it to a shop or a reliable and qualifed technician in your area who can properly diagnose the problem before you really do some damage.

If you are able to see everything else OK on your computer.. then I would strongly suggest you make sure that you have a security product installed from a reliable vendor (antivirus, firewall, antispyware, etc... from a top vendor like mcafee) that is properly configured and completely up to date... make sure you force an update and run a complete scan with all programs closed (especially your browser). If you are using freeware as your security or no security or out of date security... then unfortunately the chances of this being malware related jump to the top of the list and since many cannot simply be eradicated by installing proper security... you may be SOL... so take it to someone who can properly assess the situation before you take some bad advice or continue to click on things that could harm you even more.

Good Luck!