Monday, September 19, 2011
How do I access my firewall and modify it's security settings from Internet Explorer 6 For Windows XP?
Ok, I don't know a whole heck of a lot about computers besides the basics (which for me are a little bit of typing skillls and I can navigate around the internet easily enough), so please excuse me for asking what may seem to some a simple, if not silly, question. Again, could someone please offer me intructions on how to open up my firewall from the Internet Explorer 6 version for Windows XP as I would like to modify my security settings so as to get some online sites to work properly? I could probably (or at least hopefully) maybe figure just how I want to modify the security settings when I find it, but for now I really just want to be able to find my firewall so as to alter it in the way I need to. Thank you so much for any responses to my question : )How do I access my firewall and modify it's security settings from Internet Explorer 6 For Windows XP?If you are using the IE built in firewall, go to Control Panel, Windows Firewall and there are several tabs including Exceptions. After making any changes, you may need to reboot to save the settings.