Friday, September 23, 2011

I am having trouble downloading Yahoo Messenger 9.0 ?

how do you change your firewall to download Messenger 9.0 which is what it says to do?I am having trouble downloading Yahoo Messenger 9.0 ?Go Start,Control Panel, Add/remove Programs. Click on Messenger,click remove. This should reinstate the older version. If not, Reboot and download it here;

Yahoo 8.1:

9 messenger is in Beta (testing) form and not working well. Stick to 8.1 until they work out the Bugs. Including people using 8.1 trying to message ones with 9 or reverse they are having compatibility problems.

Flash player 10 Does have conflicts,and 9's latest update Can have conflicts with Yahoo and

is causing some Yahoo services to not load.use the link below for a download of Flashplayer # should work as it's older then last update. You have to remove the present flash player,(add/remove programs in control panel). reboot then download the older version.

More help can be found here;