Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to Change Firewall Settings?

I have Gears of War 2 and I've been trying to play online for weeks but it never finds a team for me. When it does, it cant find an opposing team. It says my firewall is too strict and i mite not be able to play.

I figured i needed to change it.

How do i do that?

I heard about port forwarding. What exactly is that? Is it safe?

Can I please get an explanation and a step by step, complete instruction on how to set my firewall less strict (but still safe) so i can play online. How to Change Firewall Settings?Go onto your wireless router's page and look around for a firewall and if you can find it try and go into Exceptions and try clicking a button called Port and

type in the ports for xbox, if that doesn't work then try ringing Microsoft for help.