Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to set up internet connection to let my Xbox 360 use my laptop's wireless internet connection?

so i have looked up how to do it but the problem arises when I try to change the advanced settings. Instead of having options I have a firewall settings thing to click to change the firewall settings. How can I configure my firewall to let my Xbox 360 use the wireless connection.How to set up internet connection to let my Xbox 360 use my laptop's wireless internet connection?If you are still having problems connecting, it is most likely a firewall problem either with the software based firewall on the computer or the router's internal firewall.

Here is a link of troubleshooting steps to get you connected if you are having trouble.



Since the firewall is mostly the issue when it comes to connection problems, you must open certain firewall ports for the connection to be enabled. Here are all the ports you need to open (NOTE: These ports have to be opened on the Windows firewall, not the router's)Port numbers are on the left hand side. You have to manually open these ports. ***INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO OPEN THESE PORTS ARE LISTED BELOW THE PORT NUMBERS THAT ARE SHOWN BELOW***

2869 UPnP Framework TCP

1900 UPnP Framework UDP

10284 Windows Media Connect UDP

10283 Windows Media Connect UDP

10282 Windows Media Connect UDP

10281 Windows Media Connect UDP

10280 Windows Media Connect UDP

10243 Windows Media Connect TCP

To manually open a port, follow these steps:

1. Click %26quot;Start%26quot;, and then click %26quot;My Network Places%26quot;.

2. Under %26quot;Network Tasks%26quot;, click %26quot;View Network Connections.%26quot; (Or, right-click %26quot;My Network Places%26quot; on the desktop, and then click %26quot;Properties%26quot;.)

3. Right-click the connection that you use for the Internet, and then click %26quot;Properties%26quot;.

4. Click the %26quot;Advanced%26quot; tab, and then click %26quot;Settings%26quot;.

***Note If the Settings button is unavailable, ICF is not enabled on this connection, and you do not have to open any ports (because they are all already open).***

5. Click %26quot;Add%26quot; to open a new port.

6. In the %26quot;Description%26quot; box, type a friendly name. For example, type File Sharing : Port 445.

7. In the Name or IP address of the computer hosting this service on your network box, type

***Note You can specify the IP address of an internal computer. But you typically will use***

8. In the %26quot;External port%26quot; and %26quot;Internal port%26quot; boxes, type the port number. Generally, this number is the same.

9. Click either TCP or UDP, and then click OK.

10. Repeat steps 1 through 9 for each port that you want to open