Monday, September 19, 2011

How does COMODO compare to other personal firewalls?

I like to be able to specify what software has incoming and outgoing internet connections and have always used a personal firewall. Recently I found COMODO and heard it was the best, but I'm wondering how it compares to others. I used Tiny for a long time until they changed their firewall and Zone Alarm always seemed too bloated for me. Got any favorites? Opinions?How does COMODO compare to other personal firewalls?comodo is a very good product,however,since they went to version 3 they have had alot of probs w/ the defence+ (HIPS)

it tends to nag alot and some people r uncomfortable w/knowing what to do....and when they 1st went to that version outbound protection was not covered(same as xp's firewall)they have corrected that but from what i have read alot of people went back to their version of 2.4

i like online armor it is 100% leak proof and lets me c

everything that going on w/out being a nuisance

it is a matter of personal opinion and user preference though

i am going to supply u w/ a link to support my statements just scroll down there r also links there for online armor and comodo